Dear Parents and Carers

At this time of the year, we are usually planning; and looking forward to, our annual graduation ceremony; where we commend our children individually and present them with a teddy bear.

This year, due to ongoing social distancing measures and the associated procedures, we are unable to hold this popular event, so please accept our apologies, as I’m sure many of you; although not surprised, will no doubt be disappointed to hear this.

This year, children will still receive a graduation bear, but the ceremony will be held within their classroom ‘bubble’ during the last week of term (week commencing 13th July). We will record each child being presented with their bear, on the pre-school camera and I will forward on the recording to each individual child’s parent; by email attachment. In this way, parents can share it with family and friends if they wish to do so.

If you are happy for your child’s recording to appear on our Facebook page please let me know, when you receive your recording- we will not display it without your express permission.

Teddy Tot children (who have returned this term) will each receive a small bear, so that they don’t feel ‘left out’- we will record them in the same way.

Children who are moving to school, but who have not returned this term, will still receive their graduation bear; we are considering how to get these to them before the end of term.

Thank you for your understanding during these challenging times.

With regards

Nanda and Team