by Marie | Jun 26, 2019 | Uncategorized
It’s our Groundforce afternoon this Friday. Come along anytime between 1pm-3pm to help get out with weeding, pruning, sweeping or raking in our garden. Please bring your own tools (though there maybe some spare so if you don’t have any please don’t...
by Marie | Jun 21, 2019 | Uncategorized
Our opening hours are changing! We have some really exciting news! In September 2019 we will be changing our opening hours. All new Rising School children will have the option of Monday to Thursday 9am to 3pm (or 11.30am/12.45pm) and Friday 9am to 11.30am or 12.45pm....
by Marie | Jun 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Rainbow Teddies Pre-school have spaces for children in both our Teddy Tot and Rising School classes from September 2019. Please give us a call to book a visit or find out more about our sessions. Please feel free to share with family and friends!
by Marie | Jun 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
All Rainbow teddies children are invited to the end of year parties: The Teddy Tot’s party is on Monday 22nd July during the usual session time. Rising School’s party is on Friday 19th July during session time. Parents/carers are invited to the Graduation/Commendation...
by Marie | Jun 2, 2019 | Uncategorized
The theme for the carnival this year is ‘Sport for All’. As usual, we will be taking part in the parade and encourage everyone to wear bright, colourful clothing or sportswear! We will have colourful ribbon sticks, should children wish to hold/wave them. Please look...
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